Tarsal - measurements and sizes

Tarsal Grade 1

Light and flexible stabilization for the tarsal joint, reduces pain and inflammation.

Prefabricated orthoses in standard sizes.
Measurement forms and size calculation:

If the measurements are outside our standard sizes, we can make a custom-made orthosis according to the animal’s measurements.
You can find measurement forms for this here.

Tarsal Grade 2

Stabilizes the tarsal joint after trauma and post-operatively.
Adaptable to different types of injuries.
Adjustable Grade of stabilization and direction of stabilization

Prefabricated orthoses in standard sizes.
Measurement forms and size calculation:

If the measurements are outside our standard sizes, we can make a custom-made orthosis according to the animal’s measurements.
You can find measurement forms for this here.

Tarsal Grade 3

Stabilizes the tarsal joint with rigid support.
Post-op and conservative treatment for medium to severe joint damage and medium osteoarthritis.
Provides lateral and medial support and prevents tarsal joint movement.
The orthosis uses a thermoplastic stabilization system.

Prefabricated orthoses in standard sizes.
Measurement forms and size calculation:

If the measurements are outside our standard sizes, we can make a custom-made orthosis according to the animal’s measurements.
You can find measurement forms for this here.

Tarsal Grade 3 with paw

Rigid orthosis that stabilizes the tarsal joint and paw.
The unique design with a thermoplastic textile becomes like a plaster after heating, with the advantage that it can be easily removed for bone checks and early rehabilitation.

Prefabricated orthoses in standard sizes.
Measurement forms and size calculation:

If the measurements are outside our standard sizes, we can make a custom-made orthosis according to the animal’s measurements.
You can find measurement forms for this here.

For guidance on how to fit and shape the orthosis you can watch our instructional video:

Tarsal Grade 4

Custom-made orthosis manufactured after a 3D scan of the individual.
Designed as desired and can also be adapted to desired mobility with stop bands and/or motion limiters for controlled rehabilitation or as additional insurance after surgery where stabilization is required.

Step 1 – Fill out the referral form:

Referral form

Step 2 – Fill in the measurement form.
Select the form below.
If you cannot find the form you need, please contact us.

Tarsal and Metatarsal Measurement form

Step 3 – Make a 3D scan.
Download our Scandi Orthopedic 3D Scanner app from the App Store here. The app is compatible with newer models of Iphone. Contact us for an access key. Our Scandiop 360° scanning jig is useful for accurate scans.

The joints should be in a natural loading angle/standing angle when scanning, with the exception of flexor tendon injuries when the joints should be in a relieving/straight angle.
For small dogs or anesthetized dogs, it may be most appropriate – with the dog lying on a table – to hold the leg out and set the paw at the desired angle with VetWrap/Vetrap and scan in a vertical circle (see movie).
We charge for all scans submitted, so please follow these guidelines carefully.

Scanning hind legs normal/large dog
Scanning small dog

It is also possible to send in a cast.
Please follow our casting instructions.

Step 4 – Upload / send.
Upload 3 scans to our server.
Send referral form and measurement form to info@scandiop.se

Fitting – forms and video

Here you will find instructions for fitting.
If you cannot find the form you are looking for or have any questions, please contact us.

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